4-8 Mar 2013 Cotonou (Benin)

Young Statisticians Day: march 4th 2013

The International Conference on Applied Statistics for Development in Africa (SADA'13) is pleased to announce a Young Statisticians' Day on Monday March 4, 2013, preceding the main conference which will be held during March 5-8, 2013.

The conference recognizes the need and the importance of training young statisticians on the African continent to enhance their participation in the methodological and technological development of the discipline. In organizing this event the SADA'13 also hope to contribute to the development of a more integrated african statistical community.

The one-day Young Statisticians’ event is sponsored by the International Statistical Institute (ISI) and supported from the World Bank Trust Funds for Statistical Capacity Building.

Participation is open to all young African statisticians who are 38 years of age or younger or recent PhD. In particular, we hope to attract many young statisticians from neighboring West African countries, both English and French speaking participants.  All participants are required to register and pay registration fees of 100$US. Note that registration fees for this one-day event are waived for all young participants who have registered to the main conference.


Financial Support:

Financial support is available for a limited number of participants for the Young Statisticians’ Day. The support will cover registration fees, accommodation, and partial travel. These funds are provided by the ISI obtained from the World Bank.

To apply for financial support, send a cover letter together with a Curriculum Vitae to Dr. Simplice Dossou-Gbete at ( sada2013-request@univ-pau.fr  or sada2013@sciencesconf.org , subject: young statisticians day). You should also arrange for a letter of recommendation from your supervisor or your professor be sent to Dr. Simplice Dossou-Gbété ( sada2013-request@univ-pau.fr   or sada2013@sciencesconf.org subject: recommendation for participation to young statisticians days) .




Prof. A. Mira (Swiss Finance Institute, University of Lugano, Switzerland): Applied Bayesian Modeling and computational methods

Prof. R. De Veaux (Williams Colleges, USA): Successfull Datamining in Practice



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